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On the road…

Jack snapping his first line with Mommy!

The first trip without my little guy.

Yes, it’s tough. And I’m counting on Skype to work so I can see him every day that I’m gone. (thank you, Skype!)

Few months ago, I heard an interview with Sarah Jessica Parker about how she had to leave her little babies just a few months after they were born to film the new Sex & The City movie. She said that when she’s at work, she misses her kids and when she’s at home she misses working. Pretty much the gist of the working mom’s mantra, I think.

Maybe I consume too much Daily 10, but I totally feel better knowing that even Sarah Jessica has those same feelings. I love working, but I love playing toys, too. Which is why I picked the pic to show off on this particular blog. I get the added pleasure of sharing some of my work with my family. My little guy is already interested in being a part of our FixitUp world, and we get to share that together. If someday he tells me that he’d rather be a lawyer, pro football player, or musician than touch another tool, that’s cool, too.

And, the other bonus of my work: I’m not traveling to the International Builders’ Show solo. I get to spend a week with my husband in Vegas talking with the leaders of the industry about really cool products and trends. We get to go to VIP parties and make our radio show, too. It’s a completely fun way to work. Maybe not quite as glamorous as Sarah Jessica, but mom-glamorous in my own FixitUp way. I’m a lucky mom.

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