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Patchworked for trendy upscale style

Holly Hobby dolls

I may be showing my age, but whenever I see patchwork I think about those charming Holly Hobby dolls from 25+ years ago.  I loved those dolls, especially red-bonneted Carrie.

Holly Hobby and her friends could be why patchwork always makes me smile. But now as a grown-up, there’s the added-in appreciation for the time and care that goes into selecting the fabrics and patterns for patchwork. And then piecing it all together to create a colorful, vibrant piece whose whole is so much greater than the sum of all of its piecework parts.

So I am delighted to find that patchwork is ‘in’ and grown into sophisticated style, reaching the showroom and runway with upscale, well-crafted items from couches and dresses to belts and bedding.

I think Holly and her friends from the 1970s would be psyched for the new patchwork glamour, well, if they weren’t dolls.


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