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A remodeling mess? Fixing it is challenging.

Actual footage of me wasting time during a remodeling mess fix for a new client.

And, right. For the record, this did NOT work. 

For the first time in my career I was asked to come in and pick up the pieces from the previous guy. I took in the calamity as best I could.

But I just couldn’t take the entire remodeling mess in. Several rooms in the house were affected, some projects were started and nothing was finished. There were already-paid-for products stacked up everywhere, most of which I wouldn’t have specified. It’s not the same process that I would have done in the first place to get ready—like measure the door openings that these hollow cores were to occupy, and then plan to plane them down—and charge for it. 

Because, you know…it doesn’t matter. It’s a tangled mess. The doors I painted, mortised, and hung are 24 inches wide with square corners. The openings, however…aren’t. They are 23 1/2 inches, give or take.

No planer on hand, so I thought I’d give it the ole college try with the otherwise awesome jointer.

How much “nope on a rope” did you get today? Have you struggled to try to fix someone else’s remodeling mess?


Actual footage of me wasting time.

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