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Renovating w/Mark

Mark surprising me! I’m a lucky girl.

Like many moms, I try to balance the work-family scale so that I can fully care for my family and give my best to my work.

But I have an advantage that is really all about luck. My advantage is that I get to work at home most days, and I have the privilege of working with my husband. Plus I have an amazing babysitter who watches our son Jack just a few doors down our street.

Yes, Mark and I are together almost every day, all day long. On any day, you can find us renovating our home and clients’ homes, creating our radio show, and writing/photographing projects as freelancers.

Now how do we spend so much time together without going crazy? We try to give each other the lead on issues that are most important to each other. It’s a delicate balance on some days, but in the end we respect each other’s ideas and expertise. And in order for our team to work, we both have to be able to know when to let go and when to take the lead.

Example: Mark is insanely in love with molding. He even put crown molding in our 8-year-old’s closet. So, when it comes to selecting molding, he takes the lead. And Mark usually shows me two or three choices, so I have an opportunity to weigh-in. We do the same with everything else, from insulation to paint color.

Leading with grace and respect, and taking turns, is key to making sure our marriage and our working partnership stays strong.

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