Search Results "jack blog"

What are Mike Holmes jobsite pet peeves? Check out this interview.

Mike Holmes: No I’m a freak for pencils. I don’t like the big square pencils they do not work for me; they’re not accurate. I’m extremely accurate, I want the old pencil you used in school, the round one and I carry my own sharpener, boom, boom, boom its in the air and I’m right on my mark so you know that an eighth of an inch is an eighth of an inch. Right?

Lexi is happy to have a clean wall!
When did health become the exception instead of the rule?

I know they have fed her candy during these tests at her elementary school, to ‘keep the class’s energy up.’ I know she has opportunities for treats for what seems almost-daily reasons from birthdays to holidays to class celebrations to whatever else. I know that we don’t want her to eat candy everyday. And I know that Lexi does not say no to any treats when we aren’t looking.

Is my trash can a storm trooper?

‘Is my trash can a Storm Trooper?’ isn’t a question I’ve ever actually encountered. Until now. The little white flip-top Simple Human trash can has…