Simple tape measure trick – How to measure the short point of an angle

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Carpenters have lots of tricks: One of my favorites is how to measure hard-to-measure things, as shown in this video.

Good for DIY too, this tip is measuring the short point of an angle on a mitered board. It’s harder to write and read about than to watch.

It’s a simple trick. Instead of trying to figure out how to measure to the long point of an angle, just measure in real time and space to the short point.

To do this, align the 1-inch line on the tape’s blade on the short point of the miter. Pull the tape out to your desired length—add 1—and mark the board.

It’s easier on short pieces but it can be done accurately on long pieces too. I pinch the tape measure so it doesn’t move as I pay it out for longer cuts. And, with it locked, you can double check that it hasn’t moved simply by checking the 1-inch line again. If it has moved, simply make a small adjustment and you’re good to go.

How to measure things accurately—inside corners installing crown molding is a tough one too—is a constant challenge to do accurately, whether in woodworking, DIY or full-tilt renovations.

how to measure
Another measuring tip  Install crown molding alone Use a screw to wedge the tape hook against the molding
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A licensed contractor, tool expert, wood and outdoor enthusiast, and elite Spartan Race competitor, he writes about home improvement and tools for national magazines and websites, and teaches hands-on clinics for other remodeling professionals. Check out his book, The Carpenter's Notebook.

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