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FixitUp Find: Stairtek Stair Risers and Treads

I admit it. I’m a big fan of pre-finished floors and floor parts. At some level deep down there, it makes the carpenter in me feel like I’m taking a shortcut — that hardwood should be installed raw and sanded into plane — but I’ve gone down that road.

It is one dusty, dirty, and long road.

Pre-finished floors have come a long way in the last few years. The finishes are rock solid and provide good UV protection; the micro-bevel that used to come on pre-finished strip (a spotlight that reflected the fact that the floor was store-bought rather than site detailed) is truly “micro” now and much harder to make out; and there are more species widely available. Add to that a price that is often comparable to raw wood you have to schedule your floor guy sand — and clean up after.

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