Star Wars home decor: May the 4th be with your home


It can be a challenge to incorporate the love of Star Wars into a modern home, but fans need not worry that they can’t subtly include a few Star Wars-themed home decor finds.

There are so many sophisticated and non-tacky options on the market these days that it can be hard to choose which ones to pick.

Here are some of my favorite Star Wars home decor pieces.

Before you start Star Wars decorating

Before going all-in on a May the 4th Star Wars themed abode or room in your haven, make sure to keep your passion in careful check. Specifically, if you don’t live alone, don’t go overboard with a theme that your other household members aren’t crazy about. Be discerning, and choose those collectibles and themed objects with an editing eye.

By carefully curating the themed items into your overall home decorating scheme, those special items can live center stage like in Barney’s condo on ‘How I Met Your Mother.’ Remember how he had a life-sized Storm Trooper in his living room? If he had a ton of Star Wars memorabilia on display, his whole sophisticated vibe would be blown.

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In the end, a collection or passion like Star Wars can be fun. Enjoy adding quirky pops of personality. Just be mindful of your family’s position on your passion, and refrain from drowning out your home’s interior with a loud boom of Star Wars home decor.

About the Author

Theresa Clement, MyFixitUpLife
Theresa Clement MyFixitUpLife Designer
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A handy designer and writer, she shares DIY projects, tool how-to, and home makeovers as a book author, home show speaker, DIY workshop coach, and radio host. Plus, she has a degree in journalism with a minor in architecture, and is a Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist (CAPs) and certified color consultant. She's created fast-paced makeovers for TV shows, and shares home trends and DIY tips as a freelance writer and guest on news shows and satellite media tours for TV and radio.

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