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The Square Foot

Is it just me or are you giving a lot of bids to prospective customers who are simply shopping price, or, as the car-cliche goes, kicking tires? If so, has it changed how you operate?

And if you’re a homeowner, are you worried about your pocketbook in these lean times? Does price matter more than ever for projects that you want or need done?

On my end, I’m days and days into bids for fairly complicated remodeling projects that I submit, never to hear a peep from the person again. Indeed, I’ve delivered more bids this month that have gone unanswered that at any time in my career — combined!

Tell me if this has ever happened to you: You meet a prospective customer through a social network — aka a party — and you get talking. As happens at every party I go to, people ply me with their remodeling triumphs and tragedies, and that was the case with this guy and a tiny molding problem he wanted to solve himself but couldn’t. However, before he could finish his tale, I had to leave, so I gave him my card and asked him to email me for a little guidance — which he did, rapid fire.

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