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Understanding Mold

Question: I don’t get it. I’m from New England and we’re surrounded at every turn with old homes that have stood winter and summer for what feels like ever. Yet I hear the horror stories of new homes being consumed by mold and see all these mold-resistant products out there. Mold’s not new but new houses seem to be full of all these new products like particle board walls that are cheaper and less durable than plain-old wood 1×8s. A few years back I saw a house being built in Maine. It had the old fashioned boards and I said, now that house will be here for a good long time. What’s the deal?

Answer: Wow, great question. The answer is both simple and complex. Let’s start with simple and focus on the mold. I should also point out that I’m generalizing here and that different situations may have different details. So, generally speaking:

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