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Looking for fun Valentine’s crafts ideas?

The perfect Valentine’s crafts are the ones that make your loved ones smile.

There are two kinds of reactions to Valentine’s Day.

The smiley-happy-pink-hearted happy wonderment of what can I make, give, and do to celebrate love of my family and friends.

And then, there’s the oh-I’m-so-going-to-avoid-that-again feeling.

Whether you are a ‘smiley’ or a an ‘avoider’ of Valentine’s Day, I bet you’ll find an idea below that might make the holiday a bit easier. There’s no reason you have to spend a lot of money or time to make your loved ones feel special on February 14th or any day of the year.

The best gifts always come from the heart, and loving someone is knowing what will make them smile. So, here are a few easy Valentine’s crafts and party snack ideas that might help make your holiday prep a bit easier.

And join in our Valentine’s crafts, home decor and party idea chat on Wednesday, February 8th at 8pmET. Just search for #HOSSdesign on Twitter. It’s a fun 30-minute chat hosted by me and the editors of HOSS magazine every week.

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