Who says you can’t play with your food? Check out Amazed & Amused


When you play with your food, you can create some amazingly fun designs.

Bacon cupcake

Here are some of my favorites that I’ve found on Pinterest!

If you have something and truly are Amazed and Amused by it, please share with us on Twitter or Facebook.

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Check back every week for more amazed & amused!

Tomato love.
Tomato love
Corn on the cob sunflowers. Perfect for a summer BBQ!
Corn on the cob sunflowers Perfect for a summer BBQ
Watermelon on a stick anyone?
Watermelon on a stick anyone
Fruit Monster!
Fruit Monster
Veggie train...choo chooo!!
Veggie trainchoo chooo
Cutest little veggie bug!
Cutest little veggie bug
Nothing goes better with your hot chocolate than polar bear marshmallows.
Nothing goes better with your hot chocolate than polar bear marshmallows
Such a fun way to start your day.
Such a fun way to start your day
Cute and delicious. Play with your food
Cute and delicious
How cute are these strawberry mice?!
How cute are these strawberry mice
Homemade galaxy ice cream.
Homemade galaxy ice cream

It’s amazing what can happen when you play with your food.

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Mark & Theresa created this honest and personal guide about home improvement to share the tips, techniques, and trends that help you make smart decisions about updating and personalizing your home.

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