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Your view might be getting in your way

Jack and his dump truck

Sometimes it’s hard to see stuff that’s obvious.

If it’s right in front of you, you may not be really looking at it, and taking the time to really know it. And you’d be missing out on what makes that thing you like so much pretty cool.

In my experience, I’ve learned that sometimes you have to get low to see better.

Especially when it comes to cars, trucks, trains, motorcycles, excavators, vans, buses, tractors…well, you get the idea. Stuff that goes.

But ‘going’ isn’t the only thing that’s cool about cars, trucks, trains, motorcycles, excavators, vans, buses, and tractors

If I just worried about speed, I’d miss out on all the parts that make the ‘go’ go. Like the wheels and how they all spin around-and-around. They are the best part, and to really appreciate them, it’s important to get close and go slow. Because I’ve learned there would be no ‘go’ without all of those cool wheels.

And then when I’ve studied it enough, I let it rip and let that truck go crazy fast. So fast that it didn’t even remember being looked at close-up. And that’s alright by me.



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