Chris Grundy and Matt Muenster talk with Mark and Theresa

Chris Grundy and Matt Muenster

Chris Grundy and Matt Muenster team up and talk about Blog Cabin, Bath Crashers, Rebuilding Together and more in the hysterical interview with MyFixitUpLife’s Mark and Theresa.

Chris Grundy and Matt MuensterChris Grundy: That’s going to get Tweeted.

Theresa: You are inside, MyFixitUpLife with my husband Mark.

Mark: And my wife Theresa, and the Tweet action you hear over there is … (Laughs)

Matt Muenster: There’s going to be more of this.

Theresa: This is absolutely ridiculous. You guys have the biggest bromance I have ever seen, Matt Muenster and The Grundy.

Chris Grundy: Mm-hmm.

Matt Muenster: Mm-hmm.

Chris Grundy: You don’t even know the half of it.

Matt Muenster: Yeah, you don’t.

Theresa: Really?

Matt Muenster: You should see … I’ve already caught flack from other shows since I left Blog Cabin this year. The sheer number of photos of Grundy and I, in frames, covering the entire upstairs of the…

Chris Grundy: Oh, god.

Matt Muenster: We look like a couple.

Chris Grundy: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Mark: So you vandalized the Blog Cabin?

Theresa: Really?

Matt Muenster: I was not involved with it, but I was apparently…

Chris Grundy: Yeah.

Matt Muenster: We were very photogenic that week.

Matt Muenster: Yeah.

Chris Grundy: Yeah, yeah, yeah. We were all over the place.

Mark: So @thechrisgrundy and

Chris Grundy: Sure. I guess. I don’t even know. It’s just GRU and then Grundy pops ups.

Mark: His address comes up.

Theresa: Yeah, it’s @TheChrisGrundy, I think is what it is.

Chris Grundy: You’re at the Twitter.

Mark: That’s the Chris Grundy on the Twitter.

Chris Grundy: Yes.

Mark: You’re Chris, not to be confused with hyphen Grundy.

Theresa: And you are Matt J?

Grundy_Cool Tools

Matt Muenster: J. It’s a middle initial. It’s not even a name. My parents just stopped.

Chris Grundy: There is no name.

Matt Muenster: There is no name. It’s Matt. It’s not even Matthew.

Theresa: You’re like Harry S. Truman.

Matt Muenster: I didn’t know that.

Mark: Yeah.

Theresa: Yeah. You’re like that.

Matt Muenster: Yeah.

Theresa: So you’re presidential.

Mark: You’re literally an abbreviation of a human being.

Matt Muenster: Not much more to it than that, really.

Mark: Perfect. You’ll fit right in.

Matt Muenster: Good.

Mark: Not a problem.

Matt Muenster: Good. I feel uncomfortable before I even sat down, now I’m a bit more so.

Mark: We follow you on the Facebook.

Chris Grundy: Sure, sure, sure.

Mark: We see the selfies, which you guys just fired one off of…

Chris Grundy: Sure.

Matt Muenster: Sure.

Mark: All the time.

Chris Grundy: Mm-hmm.

Mark: When you were a child, did you… (Laughter)

Matt Muenster: Please finish this question. I need to know the answer. (Laughter)

Chris Grundy: Yes.

Mark: Did you want to grow up to become a professional namedropper, or … because do you know anybody that doesn’t have like 10 TV shows?

Matt Muenster

Chris Grundy: I, uh…

Mark: Like, do you know any regular people…

Chris Grundy: I know…

Mark: Who just like get gas?

Chris Grundy: I know tons of regular people. We are regular people.

Matt Muenster: Very, so regular.

Chris Grundy: You know? Yeah, it’s just lucky…

Matt Muenster: Lots of…

Chris Grundy: That I get to run into the Matt Muensters of the world, you know, that I get to meet these people. I get really lucky. That’s all there is to it, man. I don’t know what else to tell you. It’s luck.

Matt Muenster: I’ll pile on there. That’s all luck. The reason I’m sitting in this chair is luck.

Chris Grundy: Luck.

Matt Muenster: All of it is.

Chris Grundy: All of it’s luck.

Matt Muenster: It’s right place, right time. I’m that. I’m the…

Chris Grundy: Yeah.

Matt Muenster: Right place, right time guy.

Chris Grundy: Yeah.

Matt Muenster: Yeah.

Theresa: I like the…

Mark: I disagree with you. You guys are both ridiculously talented.

Theresa: They’re just walking around outside.

Mark: Matt Muenster, Bath Crashers.

Theresa: Someone pulled them in and like hey, “Why don’t you do Blog Cabin?” Okay.

Matt Muenster: Okay.

Chris Grundy: I actually make that call. I did call and say, “Can I have that show?”

Theresa: Yeah.

Mark Grundy Love Tool D80_2950

Mark: Did you call up?

Matt Muenster: Did you?

Chris Grundy: I honestly did. I honestly did. I had seen how the progression of it. I knew it was going to be in Maine for one of those years, a few years ago.

Matt Muenster: Oh, it was so good.

Chris Grundy: I love to fish, I love to go to the outdoors, I’d never been to Maine. I wanted to see it. I called the president and said, “Hey, this is Grundy,” and he said, “Who?” I said, “Grundy. I do one of your shows.” I begged for it. “Can I please do Blog Cabin?” and here I am.

Matt Muenster: Yeah.

Mark: Ah, you’re perfect for it.

Theresa: Yeah.

Mark: I love seeing all the Green Lantern t-shirts…

Matt Muenster: You really did mix it up this year.

Mark: And all.

Matt Muenster: You really did mix it up this year.

Theresa: Yeah, old stuff.

Chris Grundy: Old stuff. A little Captain America.

Matt Muenster: Yeah.

Chris Grundy: I think The Flash might have been in there. I don’t know.

Matt Muenster: We did get paint on the Green Lantern though this year, didn’t we?

Chris Grundy: True.

Matt Muenster: I feel bad about that.

Chris Grundy: True.

Matt Muenster: I wasn’t involved, but still. I was involved.

Chris Grundy: I got a guy.

Matt Muenster: You got a guy. Don’t worry about it.

Chris Grundy: I got a guy. I can get another one.

Theresa: You need to get another one.

Chris Grundy: I can get another one.

Theresa: Yeah.

Chris Grundy: It’s all good.

Mark: Now Matt Muenster…

Theresa: Then your pictures together will be wrong the next year if you don’t have the right t-shirts on.

Matt Muenster: We don’t want to date ourselves, though.

Theresa: That’s why you date each other?

Matt Muenster: Well played.

Chris Grundy: Well played.

Matt Muenster: You’re right. That’s fine. That’s fine. You’re right. I tee them up for you, and you just go ahead and crush them.

Theresa: They make a handsome couple. They do.

Mark: Yep. Yep.

Matt Muenster: We are. It’s a handsome, for a couple. Jesus. All right, where do you want to go next, Mark?


Mark: So. I’m uncomfortable now.

Matt Muenster: You want to sit over here, because this is an uncomfortable row?

Mark: Bath Crashers. Blog Cabin.

Matt Muenster: Yeah.

Mark: How many crashes are you up to?

Matt Muenster: Almost 130. And we did – breaking news – we did just get season 11 ordered like last week, so it’s not going to stop for a while. It’s a lot. Then I did Bathtastic before that, so somewhere in next season I get to episode 200.

Theresa: Wow.

Mark: Of the total…?

Matt Muenster: Of just bathrooms.

Mark: Wow.

Theresa: This is what happens when you do that many bathrooms…

Matt Muenster: Yeah.

Theresa: When you show up to Blog Cabin and Grundy’s there.

Matt Muenster: Yeah.

Theresa: You get all like crazy, you’re like…

Mark: Did you ever do a bathroom where you’re like…

Theresa: You’re like, “Oh, let’s do stuff.”

Mark walk awayMark: “Can I just please build a pergola?” (Laughter)

Matt Muenster: It’s been … You know what? It really is tempting, like how he begged to get the show. It’s tempting to beg to do almost anything else.

Mark: Yeah, yeah.

Matt Muenster: At the same time, there’s a little niche we’ve created with this thing. Actually, this year we did do everything but the bathroom.

Mark: I was going to say, you know they…

Matt Muenster: I spent so little time in that bathroom this year.

Chris Grundy: Yeah.

Matt Muenster: That wasn’t just because I was eating well.

Chris Grundy: The master bedroom, there’s an upstairs library, a speakeasy if you will upstairs.

Matt Muenster: Yeah.

Chris Grundy: They did the whole upstairs and the bathroom upstairs.

Matt Muenster: Did the whole upstairs and the bathroom.

Chris Grundy: Yeah.

Matt Muenster: Yeah. It was more of a throw in.

Theresa: Okay, so you have a new have a new bathroom furniture line, right?

Matt Muenster: I do.

Theresa: Did you use any of it in the Blog Cabin?

Matt Muenster: It’s on the … It’s coming. It’s not… We weren’t ready. I’m thinking next year. It’s pretty modern. The stuff I designed for this line is pretty modern. The cabin doesn’t go super modern in any way, shape or form.

Chris Grundy: We can.

Matt Muenster: We can. We haven’t. Next year, 2015, we’ll talk to the people that do that stuff.

Chris Grundy: When you see the episode and you see what went this bathroom, it’s definitely modern. I mean…

Matt Muenster: You think so?

Chris Grundy: Absolutely.

Matt Muenster: It’s more modern than it has been.

Chris Grundy: Yeah, I mean you’re going to want to get naked and get into that shower. I guarantee it.

Rebuilding TogetherMatt Muenster: Yeah. I think Grundy…

Chris Grundy: I guarantee it.

Mark: What you’re telling me is…

Theresa: So if it’s not modern you don’t want to take your clothes off, but if it is modern you’re going to take them all off?

Chris Grundy: Some people are that way. I take my clothes off no matter what.

Matt Muenster: It’s true. He very rarely wears pants.

Theresa: Equal opportunity disrobing.

Chris Grundy: Yes.

Matt Muenster: Yes. He’s very much so.

Theresa: Very nice.

Matt Muenster: Why do I know these things?

Mark: It’s funny. I wear a white suit in the shower.

Matt Muenster: Why do I say them?

Mark: Yeah.

Matt Muenster: What the hell’s the matter with me?

Theresa: Why are you agreeing with him like you’re there?

Matt Muenster: I just come here to make entertaining, you know, banter. How am I doing?

Mark: Fantastic. This is gold. Just, you know what? In fact, I don’t have anymore questions. Could you guys just keep talking?

Matt Muenster: What do you want to hear about? Grundy, what you got?

Chris Grundy: You know, carpet. We could talk about carpet.

Mark: We got one for you. I don’t want to steal Theresa’s thunder…

Theresa: No.

Mark: Because this is her idea.

Theresa: What is my idea?

Mark: But it starts like this and you guys will have a field day with this.

Theresa: I’m scared.

Mark: I’m in the bathroom…

Chris Grundy: Uh-huh (affirmative). I’m in the bathroom … Okay.

Mark: Last night, at this restaurant.

Theresa: Oh, I might have the picture.

Mark: That we went to…

Matt Muenster: Oh, nice.

Mark: The men’s room and I guess the ladies room too, I don’t know which one I was in, that’s why I put it that way.

Matt Muenster: It was one of those evenings.

Mark: Oh, yeah. It was just off the hook.

Greg Burroughs and GrundyMatt Muenster: All right. No need to apologize or explain.

Mark: We stayed up to like 10:30.

Matt Muenster: Woo!

Theresa: Oh, yeah. It was just off the chain.

Matt Muenster: Tennessee time?

Mark: So the sink is the faucet sticking out of the wall.

Theresa: They don’t have it there.

Mark: There’s no basin. It’s just a marble slab.

Matt Muenster: Yeah.

Mark: Like 12 inches. Do you know where I’m going with this?

Matt Muenster: No, but keep going. You didn’t pee in it, did you?

Mark: Well…

Matt Muenster: That’s a sink.

Mark: First of all, every guy will know that…

Matt Muenster: That’s very tempting.

Mark: You walk up across a bridge, the lady says, “Wow, that’s a beautiful view.”  The guy says, “I could pee off of that.” (laughter) That’s the difference. That’s the difference.

Matt Muenster: So you put the microphone further away from your mouth.

Mark: Yeah. Yeah. We’re off the show now.

Theresa: So yeah, and mute now.

Mark: It was a slab and it was like a zero clearance shower.

Matt Muenster: Sure.

Mark: It was just pitched back far enough.

Theresa: You couldn’t even tell it was.

Matt Muenster: I like that.

Mark: So the water lands on the slab.

Theresa: Yes.

Matt Muenster: And just goes?

Mark: And just drains.

Theresa: Goes just right on it.

Mark: And it goes, literally comes up to the edge.

Matt Muenster: Yeah. But it doesn’t go any further?

Theresa: Yeah.

Mark: Yeah. It goes back. It goes back. It’s fantastic.

Matt Muenster: It’s a marvel of engineering.

Theresa: It was absolutely  … because no one was in there when I went into the bathroom to wash my hands, and I’m like, “Because where’s the water going to go?”

Matt Muenster: See. You’re mystified.

Grundy at TOY - Rebuilding TogetherTheresa: Is this a trick? Is David Blaine Behind this mirror?

Matt Muenster: And you know what we call that on Bath Crashers? It’s a David Tuesday. It’s just a Tuesday. It’s just what we do now. It’s got to be smoke and mirrors.

Chris Grundy: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Theresa: Yes.

Matt Muenster: Yeah, we can’t, I can’t just replace a toilet with another toilet anymore. It just doesn’t work.

Chris Grundy: No.

Matt Muenster: You’ve got to do stuff like that, like what you’re talking about. Look at you talking about it. It’s the whole idea.

Mark: I know. It’s an absolutely great idea. I would absolutely heist that idea.

Chris Grundy: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Mark: And put it in any bathroom.

Matt Muenster: It’s kind of what I do. I heist idea all the time.

Mark: It’s hyper clean.

Theresa: When you go and you’re traveling, and you’re staying in a hotel…

Matt Muenster: Mm-hmm.

Theresa: Do you ever, you’re in the bathroom and you’re like, “Really?”

Matt Muenster: Judging it?

Theresa: Yeah.

Matt Muenster: Constantly. Not even bathrooms, every space I’ve ever been in.

Chris Grundy: Every part of it.

Matt Muenster: Every part of it. My degree is interior design, so it basically just gives me free reign in my head to just demolish everything I see in … mentally.

Chris Grundy: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Matt Muenster: But the bathroom thing, yeah, some people … it’s surprising. Even really nice hotels, I wish they would have talked to me. (laughter) We could have avoided a few of these things. Just pick up the phone. I would have given you a hand through some of this stuff.

Mark: Do you actually get nervous? Do you get a little anxious, like that just…

Matt Muenster: When, around Grundy or…?

Mark: Well, yeah. Who wouldn’t be who’s in their right mind?

Matt Muenster: I’ve learned to keep up.

Mark: No, when you get into these spaces that are poorly designed.

Theresa: No, I get anxious when I, yeah … when I start to like, I start to like get anxious when I am in a space that is uncomfortable.


Matt Muenster: I can’t get that worked up because my bathroom is still terrible. I haven’t done, I mean, how long ago have I talked to you guys and I still haven’t done? I’ve moved into a new house now at least, so now it is a new bad bathroom.

Mark: Oh, now it’s a new bad bathroom?

Matt Muenster: It just hasn’t happened still yet. I can’t get on my soapbox too … you know, too vehemently, when I’m the biggest offender there is.

Mark: My soap box is made out of toilet paper, by the way.

Chris Grundy: There you go.

Matt Muenster: There you go.

Mark: Because our bathroom, you don’t even want to know.

Chris Grundy: See.

Mark: But, but…

Theresa: Our bathroom is actually in the Rebuilding Together colors. That’s the color of our bathroom.

Matt Muenster: The green?

Theresa: Yeah, that’s exactly it.

Matt Muenster: It’s gorgeous.

Theresa: I just put that together after all these years of that we’ve been working with Rebuilding Together.

Chris Grundy: There it is.

Theresa: Now I had to sit with Matt to put the bathroom together.

Matt Muenster: That’s what I do. I like to draw lines between things.

Mark: It really is that simple.

Matt Muenster: It’s not that much more difficult than that.

Chris Grundy: Great artist. Great artist.

Theresa: No, not really.

Chris Grundy: Great artist.

Theresa: Yes?

Chris Grundy: Yeah. He’ll have idea for a piece of furniture or something, and he’ll just take a pencil and go on some wood and (saw noises and drill sounds). Then we build it.

Theresa: Then you show up with all the tools and you know like, “Let’s get this done.”

Chris Grundy: Let’s get this done.

Matt Muenster: That’s how the partnership thrives.

Chris Grundy: That ipe bench…

Grundy and Matt MC

Matt Muenster: Yeah, two years ago, yeah?

Chris Grundy: Back in North Carolina? He was just like (saw noises) and we looked at it for a second. Get the wood. Let’s go.

Matt Muenster: You got to draw fast, if you want to do this. Three days is not a lot of time.

Chris Grundy: Get the wood.

Matt Muenster: Can’t dilly around. We need to get at it.

Chris Grundy: Yeah, let’s go. Screws and wood, let’s go.

Mark: Nice.

Theresa: That should be your new show. You guys could do Screws and Wood.

Matt Muenster: Screws and Wood, Let’s go.

Matt Muenster: Yeah. No one’s going to make fun of that title. Geez.

Chris Grundy: No. No.

Theresa: No. It won’t hurt the bromance at all.

Matt Muenster: No. This is why we think thought titles and all. Think it through.

Theresa: Yeah.

Chris Grundy: I’m the screws, by the way.

Mark: So, so.

Matt Muenster: Thank you. Thanks for leaving that one up to me.

When did you lose control of the show?

Chris Grundy: Are we going? what happened? Where you going?

Theresa: I like that Matt’s the healthy wood, though.

Chris Grundy: And it’s ipe.

Matt Muenster: I’m fine with it. And Mark’s back.

Theresa: There’s probably some that are good.

Chris Grundy: Yeah, yeah.

Mark: You owe me a pen. I can’t find my pen. You threw it away.

Theresa: There’s probably some that are good.

Matt Muenster: Should we talk about why we are in Tennessee?

Theresa: Yes.

Matt Muenster: Before we run away with this?

Rebuilding Together

Chris Grundy: Sorry. This is your show.

Matt Muenster: We’ve ambushed you.

Mark: Do you know what you’re going to work on tomorrow at Building a Healthy Neighborhood?

Chris Grundy: So…

Mark: Are you going to be there? You going to be jamming your stuff?

Theresa: We’re here at the Healthy Homes Conference too. Yes.

Matt Muenster: We Know that.

Theresa: Yes.

Matt Muenster: We’re MCing tomorrow night, which is going to be fun.

Chris Grundy: Yeah, we’ll be at the Hard Rock tomorrow night.

Matt Muenster: Uh-huh (affirmative).

Chris Grundy: A lot of music, a lot of people, be bouncing back and forth but in the neighborhood in the Cleveland … Cleveland, what’s the neighborhood? Cleveland Park neighborhood?

Matt Muenster: Yeah. There you go.

Chris Grundy: Yeah, 15 homes we’ll be tackling. Any volunteers, we appreciate you coming, because this will be after it happens.

Mark: Thanks for coming.

Chris Grundy: We appreciate everybody who showed up. We want to kiss and hug and, mm, so good.

Theresa: You can go to so you can find out where it’s going to be next year.

Matt Muenster: Yeah.

Chris Grundy: See. See.

Theresa: Be inspire and come out and help.

Chris Grundy: Boom. Boom.

Matt Muenster: Exactly.

Theresa: Come out next year to the Healthy Homes Conference.

Matt Muenster: I’m excited. This is my first year doing it. I know you’ve been here before, but I kind of… I did the begging to come to Blog Cabin. I did the begging to come to this.

Mark: Yeah.

HGTV and DIY Network at the Hard Rock Cafe

Theresa: Really?

Matt Muenster: Yeah. It was on my schedule. It was off my schedule. It was back on. I just wanted to be here.

Mark: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Matt Muenster: The more I heard about it, the more I read about it, the more I wanted to be a part of it.

Theresa: Because you’re like the technologist.

Matt Muenster: Yeah. That’s a word, yeah.

Theresa: Yes. The healthy technologist.

Matt Muenster: The mentalist. Technologist.

Mark: If you can find my pen, you can write that down.

Matt Muenster: It’s here somewhere. Yes, that’s me. I’m the healthy technologist.

Theresa: You are the healthy technologist.

Chris Grundy: Technologist, that’s with a K?

Matt Muenster: I’m just going to Google that right now.

Theresa: Oh, totally. It is with a K.

Mark: Just swing the ambulance out front here. I believe it’s a ruptured spleen.

Theresa: Uh-huh (affirmative).

Matt Muenster: It happens.

Theresa: All right. You guys have too much fun.

Chris Grundy: We do.

Matt Muenster: We do.

Chris Grundy: We have a great time. We’ll go to each other’s city, you know, randomly, and, “Hey, Matt! I’m in Minnesota. Where are we meeting?”

Matt Muenster: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Chris Grundy: And it will be 90,000 below zero, because he’s in Minnesota.

Matt Muenster: You were there on a pretty breezy weekend.

Chris Grundy: Oh, my god. It was brutal.

Mark Theresa and Matt Muenster

Matt Muenster: Yeah. It was rough.

Chris Grundy: Yeah, we have a great time. A lot of Blog Cabin is us collaborating with each other, having fun, getting some work done while we do it. Aw, can’t get enough. Can’t get enough.

Matt Muenster: Yeah, it’s a blast.

Mark: And you’re doing Google+ hangouts?

Chris Grundy: Yes. Those are so much fun.

Matt Muenster: For me they are fine, but you… Grundy lost a bet.

Chris Grundy: Yeah.

Matt Muenster: A little bit. To be fair.

Chris Grundy: Black Hawks and the Wild were playing against each other.

Matt Muenster: You won in the long term. They are still playing.

Chris Grundy: Oh, yes. Black Hawks are still playing. But that night, the night before, the Black Hawks lost. The bet was whoever loses, has to go do the Google interview in their underwear in the kiddie pool. So that’s how I did the interview.

Matt Muenster: Such a good victory for me. Massively great, I mean…

Theresa: Did you where the old-fashioned underwear?

Matt Muenster: Batman, I believe.

Chris Grundy: I had some Batman underwear.

Matt Muenster: Batman boxers.

Theresa: Aw, that’s hot. That’s really hot.

Mark: Because you have Batman underwear.

Matt Muenster: I do.

Mark: That’s all you need to know.

Matt Muenster: That’s how we wrap this sucker up. Good for you, Grundy.

Mark: Matt J. Muenster on Twitter.

Theresa: Yes.

MyFixitUpLife radio show - Rebuilding Together Nashville

Mark: Not stands … doesn’t stand for anything. It’s just a J.

Theresa: Yes, which is a beautiful J in the middle.

Mark: Chris the Hyphen Grundy.

Chris Grundy: Oh, I don’t know. I don’t know.

Mark: Chris Grundy on Twitter.

Matt Muenster: That’s it, I think.

Theresa: We follow you guys.

Mark: Blog Cabin. Bath Crashers.

Theresa: Yes.

Mark: National Healthy Homes Conference, Building a Healthy Neighborhood. Big stuff coming up. Come right back. We’ll be here with more MyFixitUpLife.


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Hi..i was wondering where do I get a base like the one in the picture for my cast iron claw foot tub..i have searched the internet and haven’t found anything close to that the show

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