MyFixitUpLife talk show: Playtime at the Craftsman Experience


Theresa Craftsman Experience in Chicago MyFixitUpLife
Theresa taking a break from building at the Craftsman Experience in Chicago

Mark & Theresa are inside the Ultimate Tool Playground at the Craftsman Experience in downtown Chicago, where it’s all about real tools, real wood, and real fun.

Theresa is sharing her admiration for Jeanine Hays from AproChic’s Juju hat decorations, her fascination with the ‘cookie inside a cookie,’ and the tips they shared on remodeling with your spouse for AOL’s DIY Life. Then, Mark talks about K’NEX interlocking posts, turnstyles, and gears that can be used to make Ferris wheels, motorcycles, and more.

Ryan Ostrum stops in to give us an insider’s look at the Craftsman Experience. It’s where Mark and Theresa are building a pressure treated Southern pine playset for the Chicago Boys & Girls Club.

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Diane Korman

And then they’ve invited the fabulous Extreme Makeover: Home Edition producer Diane Korman over to play. During their chat, she talks about the upcoming season. And she is excited to share news about the Extreme Makeover project family whom Mark and Theresa visited in January.

Check the MyFixitUpLife show schedule to find out who is talking with MyFixitUpLife’s Mark and Theresa this week.

If you have a question about your home improvement projects, send us an email.


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Mark & Theresa created this honest and personal guide about home improvement to share the tips, techniques, and trends that help you make smart decisions about updating and personalizing your home.

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