8 ways to upcycle beer bottles and caps


We’re always looking for ways to upcycle here at MyFixitUpLife.

So when we stumbled upon these beer bottle DIY crafts we were amazed.

Check out these photos and let us know what you think by sending us an email or commenting below.
For more amazed and amused, check out our Pinterest Board.

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A bar made of beer caps. A great idea!

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A desk lamp made from a beer bottle is exactly what I need.

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It’s beer o’clock somewhere!

Amazed and Amused - Upcycle - Beer - MyFixitUpLife

Xylophone of beer bottle? I’m not sure about this one.
Amazed and Amused - Upcycle - Beer - MyFixitUpLife

Chandelier of beer bottles? Tacky or perfect for a man cave?

Amazed and Amused - Upcycle - Beer - MyFixitUpLife

Freakin’ awesome flooring.

Amazed and Amused - Upcycle - Beer - MyFixitUpLife

If you’re going to put candles in your man cave, they better look like this!

Amazed and Amused - Upcycle - Beer - MyFixitUpLifeWhat do you think of this upcycle project?

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Mark & Theresa created this honest and personal guide about home improvement to share the tips, techniques, and trends that help you make smart decisions about updating and personalizing your home.

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