OK. I admit it. I tend to work by the ‘spoon full of sugar’ motto from my favorite movie, Mary Poppins.
And, well, it doesn’t always blend perfectly with my serious contractor husband. On the radio, on TV, and in the office, it’s easier for us to blend our personalities. Mark tends to see-saw between deadly New England seriousness and hilarious physical comedy in those parts of our life, but on the jobsite, well, it’s another matter.
Working on a jobsite is serious business, and it takes a matter of respect and purposefulness that could actually mean the difference between getting hurt and getting a project done right.
Here’s an example of a DIY together project
We had the fun opportunity to build a real wood playset for the Chicago Girls & Boys Club at the Craftsman Experience, and I tried my best to be jobsite Theresa. (see photos)
But, when we’re on a TV studio jobsite, there’s always a little bit of love-sugar that pops out of me before I realize it. And, well, I have to remember that having respect for your spouse’s work style is key to keeping you and your spouse happy throughout the day.
Mark may not smile a lot while we build, but he does smile at the end of the day. And it’s usually when he’s having a beer and admiring a job well done.
Do you and your spouse DIY together? What’s your secret to successful projects?