Talk show: The bathroom trends from universal design to 3D printing

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Not every room in the home is as packed with as many needs as the bathroom, and we’re talking everything from universal design to 3D printed faucets on this episode.

James Walsh (aka Professor Toilet) also works as the VP of Product Management for American Standard. He knows more about toilets than anyone has a right to know.
James Walsh aka Professor Toilet also works as the VP of Product Management for American Standard He knows more about toilets than anyone has a right to know

We’re spending the next hour in the bathroom, and we’re hoping you’ll join us. Mark & Theresa are talking everything from the best toilet flush to 3D printed faucets to touch-free faucets and universal design from the American Standard pavilion at the Kitchen & Bath Industry Show in Vegas.

Yes, universal design is trendy, but it also makes sense to create a bathroom space that works for all ages and for diverse abilities. There are details like toilet height and faucet maneuverability that can make it easier for everyone to live a bit more independently.

Stephen Fanuka, HGTV’s Million Dollar Contractor takes our minds on the journey working with and creating spaces for his fabulous clientele, including Tina Fey. But more than just living the life of the famous contractor, Stephen also shares his support of AlzDesign, and Theresa’s mission of creating a Design Prescription for Alzheimer’s.

And then there’s the fun of style and technology. The innovators are sharing how they created the 3D metal printed faucets and where you can buy the limited edition line. But, we’re also delighted to talk with Professor Toilet. Yes, he’s a real guy who knows a lot about toilets.

Tune in to BlogTalkRadio every Wednesday at 6:30pmET. 

Click here to see the full show from the American Standard Booth. 

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Rarely the shortest guy in a photo Scott Stockham is the VP of Product Marketing for Faucets at American Standard
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Jean Jacques LHenaff is the VP of Design at American Standard and shares the technology behind the innovation
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Mark tries hard to impress Jill Waage of Better Homes Gardens and we think she is quite charmed
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Always delightful and full of amazing stories from his contractor to the stars work Stephen Fanuka joins Mark and Theresa on this episode of MyFixitUpLife
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Mark & Theresa created this honest and personal guide about home improvement to share the tips, techniques, and trends that help you make smart decisions about updating and personalizing your home.

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