Blending Various Molding Trim Styles in Extreme How-to

“To say there’s a bewildering assortment of crown moldings to choose from is an accurate statement. To narrow the field I walk the aisles of my lumber yard and home center and grab samples of the profiles that jump out at me. Then, I take cut-offs home (or to customers) and put them up in a ceiling corner, step back (or I stand on a ladder while my wife or customer steps back) and we take a look. It’s an effective—and cheap—way to test out different looks, styles and sizes.”

Read more from Mark’s article about installing a three-piece crown using Lowe’s EverTrue in Extreme How-to magazine.

Lowe's EverTrue

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Mark & Theresa created this honest and personal guide about home improvement to share the tips, techniques, and trends that help you make smart decisions about updating and personalizing your home.

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