There are home design solutions that can help ease the symptoms that many people living with Alzheimer’s disease experience. And, making sure the bathroom is…
How can home design strategies ease Sundowners Syndrome? As every person with dementia has different symptoms and challenges, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all design solution for…
If you are curious about starting a greener, more sustainable lifestyle at home, there are simple steps to getting started. Big changes aren’t necessary to…
Whether you want to fix a chipped mug or learn how to repair ceramic decor, fixing ceramic with epoxy and pastels isn’t hard. Here’s what you need to know.
Whether vegan or omnivore, seasoning cast iron gets a pan ready for cooking. Experts recommend to always season cast iron before you first cook with…
Want to know How to make DIY glass cleaner? It’s easy. We’ll show you two ways. Making glass cleaner at home can save time, money,…
From light fixtures to fruit holders, the spring home decor items are fun and functional. Also, there are several ways it is fitting for home decor.
These ‘pamper your pet’ strategies seem like good ways to care for our human selves. Check out how pet owners are caring for their fur babies.
For me, the color of the year is an anticipated announcement each year. While many paint makers announce a color of the year, the one…
Create a cozy corner covered in cable knit home finds. I’m a fan of cable knit. Over the years, I’ve knitted a few cable knit…
Why does aging-in-place matter? Aging-in-place isn’t a topic that should be put off until we’re older. And it shouldn’t wait until someone is concerned that…
I’ve been thinking about healthcare and the universal basic income, and I have an idea. So the idea of a universal basic income is a…