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Ambler Movie Theater is the location of Matthew Quick’s new book We Are The Light

On the 12th day of our 12 days of tools… It’s a book about tools that tells the tales of the tools that make the…

The 10th Tool from our 12 Tools of Christmas The Carpenter’s Notebook is a novel about a carpenter and his son What gift idea blog…

Ethan Hawke’s Rules for a Knight isn’t just a nice book, it’s a nice-looking book. Apparently based in truth, Rules for a Knight is a letter…

The practical wisdom of integrity, patience, and diligence is consistent in everything we’ve seen him touch or say.
“Just because the frame of a house will eventually be almost entirely obscured by siding, roofing, and finished interior surfaces doesn’t mean that I’m indifferent to how beautifully made it is.”

The first-and-only carpentry novel written, The Carpenter’s Notebook by my carpenter-husband Mark is now an ebook! “I reached for my tape more like a gunslinger…

I think ‘What Can You Do with a Toolbox’ is a cute story to read to your children. It teaches you about the basic tools in life you usually see construction workers use. It has a basic idea, but the idea is used in a good way.
The Novel Effect app lets you hear what you can do with a toolbox.

Sara Bendrick has put together one of the most informative, friendly, and deep-dive landscape project books I have seen. Not to be horribly cliche, but…

So call me a bookworm, but I love to know where things come from and how they come about. I love clothes and fashion. And…

From the moment I saw the periodic table of fonts inside the cover, I knew that I’d love this charming book about fonts. I’m going…

We’re often fascinated by innovation, especially innovation and invention that occurred before the digital age like the history of the screw and screwdriver detailed in…