
In OurFixitUpLife, Mark and Theresa are sharing the DIY projects they are working on at home, for clients, and for TV shows and magazines.
Build an Inexpensive Firewood Rack

I come by my nickname, “the 2-by-Guy,” honestly. Whenever I’m scoping out new tools as an editor for HGTVPro, in the back of my mind…

Chicken Wasn’t Born in the Store

One of the things we like to teach our kids is: chicken wasn’t born at the grocery store. What that means is that we don’t…

Jack’s blog: A ‘Box’ is more than just its insides

So you see a box, and it’s a thing. A container. Something that you fill up with stuff, right? Well, I’ve got some news that…

MyFixitUpLife talk show: Fall For Your Garden

Yes, we know it’s still summer, but now is the perfect time to start planning your fall gardening. Margaret Roach, from the popular garden site…

If you are into the Modern Farmhouse look that we named Formal Farmhouse back in 2004, then installing beadboard might be a fun update for…

Compost Stew: Lexi’s book review

Today I am reviewing a book about compost called Compost Stew. It’s a book that is the alphabet and teaches children about compost. There are so…