Fix it
Shorter showers save money, but really how much? It makes perfect sense that when you use less water, you’ll save on water and energy bills….
Don’t feel guilty if you don’t wash your dishes by hand or pre-scrub them like my hard-core cleaning friend. The dishwasher isn’t just saving you…
After being buried in the blizzard of 2010, residents of the Northeast are once again preparing to dig themselves out of as much as 1-2…
Here’s a Quick Tip for operating your tile saw safely that BATH-Tastic Bath Crasher Matt Muenster would like: add a drip-loop to the cord so…
Sun-Tzu, legendary author of the classic military guide—something that over the centuries has also become a model for business and in some regards, life—The Art…
Clean paintbrushes are happy paintbrushes. Sure, you can use the “wrap-in-foil-and-stick-in-the-fridge” trick if you get in a jam, but the real key to getting a…
I don’t know why some people call hollow wall anchors “moly bolts”—maybe its some reference to them being made of plastic—but they do. I know…
If you are replacing a stove—or an entire kitchen, including the stove—there are two important details to remember, and they are two things the inspector…
Some of the best home improvement experiences I’ve had are when the DIY homeowner works with me. They’re folks who are interested in their houses…
Summer does a number on your lawn. Anything from removing a shrub to parking a car to letting Sparky go for a run to leaving…
When I was a kid, I watched my mother weeding various garden beds around our house. I had no idea that she was having a…
So if you watch our play-set videos or check out any of our articles, you might notice that cordless impact drivers are a go-to tool…