Choose the right fasteners for DIY home projects

building a deck

We choose fasteners that are designed for our DIY home improvement projects and job site work. Obvious? Sure. Except, not really.

It’s assumed that everyone wants to complete DIY home projects swiftly, but choosing the wrong fasteners can make the right project take a whole lot longer than is necessary.

I’ve seen dudes wrestle with crappy tools, crappy materials, and crappy supplies—all while trying to have fun doing DIY projects. Yet, I bet there’s few of us who have not heard the obvious trope ‘the right tool for the job.’

We know the phrase, then immediately ignore it. Because it’s obvious, but ‘obvious’ and ‘easy’ are sometimes different things.

Why does the right screw for the job matter?

Driving screws is a big one of the essential aspects for successful DIY home improvement projects, including a deck, stand-up desk or kid’s loft bed.

While a significant part of driving screws for these DIY home projects is technique, it’s also important to realize that not all screws are created equal.

Not by a long shot. We see the wrong fastener used way too often. Drywall screws in decks? Yes. Wood screws in drywall? Yes. A random collection of fasteners in a planter or playset? Yes.

There’s a reason why there are so many types of screws. Each type is made for a particular application.

Mark MyFixitUpLife Spax; choose the right fasteners for DIY projects

All screws aren’t the same

I’ve bought screws that are blunt and hard to get started, even in the softest wood. They skate on top instead of threading down, especially if you hit a hard spot. So what do you do? You push harder. And then what happens? The screw tips over and things start going wrong.

Point is simple: Knowing there is a right fastener for the job and that some screws suck in certain applications is half the battle.

And knowing that there are different kinds of bad a++ screws and screw heads for different jobs should be part of DIY home improvement planning. We’ve had great luck using Spax PowerLags for everything from big projects like pergola connections (pergola video here) to smaller weekend jobs for our kids like this cedar playset (watch the playset video here).

Our advice about choosing the right fasteners

When planning DIY home improvement projects, spending a little time up front choosing the fasteners. You can save—and this is personal experience—hours when it comes to the actual fun part: Making a pile of wood into something awesome.

If you aren’t sure which fastener to use, ask us.

How to build a pergola DIY Home improvement
How to build a pergola Make it awesome from the ground up

About the Author

Mark Clement, MyFixitUpLife Carpenter
Mark Clement MyFixitUpLife Carpenter
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A licensed contractor, tool expert, wood and outdoor enthusiast, and elite Spartan Race competitor, he writes about home improvement and tools for national magazines and websites, and teaches hands-on clinics for other remodeling professionals. Check out his book, The Carpenter's Notebook.

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[…] For the backer, I distressed a piece of wood with a Bernzomatic torch, hammer, and sand paper. Then attached the painted light switches to the wood with my favorite screws from Spax. […]

[…] them when you shop. Crush this with likes and shares.Is that cool? It all works when it all works.SPAX U.S., Wood, Naturally, Shur-Line, Hyde Tools, Lamps PlusSource — […]

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