Heather from Concord, California won the Dremel Prize Pack!

‣ MyFixitUpLife
Dremel 8200

Heather won the special Dremel Prize Pack of Tools from MyFixitUpLife!

Her winning entry:

“We recently just bought our 1st house this past August. Our remodeling projects have been so frustrating because we never have all the tools we need to get the job done, and therefore things sit unfinished. This Dremel prize pack would eliminate a lot of our frustration by providing what we need to help complete some of our unfinished projects – kitchen and bathroom remodeling, new interior doors, and more. I would LOVE to win this!”

‣ MyFixitUpLife
Dremel Multi Max

Dremel has shared a custom prize pack of three great tools. Heather shared her best reason why she wanted to win these cool Dremel tools, got the most votes, and won!

The Dremel Prize Pack of Tools from MyFixitUpLife includes:

1—Dremel Trio—Dremel’s newest innovative tool; cut, sand, and rout with the same tool

2—Dremel 8200 Rotary Tool—classic rotary tool, minus the cord

‣ MyFixitUpLife
Dremel Trio

3—Cordless Multi-Max Oscillating Tool with universal adapter


Enter to win by telling us your best reason why you want to win the Dremel prize pack by filling out the online contest form. Deadline to enter to win is Friday, December 31, 2010.

Winner is selected by public online vote that starts January 1, 2011 and runs through January 21st. Don’t forget to invite your friends to vote for you, every day.

Winner of the Dremel tools will be announced on the MyFixitUpLife radio show on Saturday, January 29th, 2010 at noon. Listen to the show.

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Mark & Theresa created this honest and personal guide about home improvement to share the tips, techniques, and trends that help you make smart decisions about updating and personalizing your home.

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