There are probably more hidden home energy wasters in your house than you think. So, let’s face the most common power-hungry gremlins with these DIY tips
You can turn that drafty igloo you call home into a toasty haven. Here are some ways to fix a home so you are warm enough and your sanity stays intact.
Whether you are insulating an unfinished basement or insulating your porch ceiling, it’s essential to start with the best insulation tools and materials.
Transform an ordinary living room into an extraordinary one. Here are three types of modern accent walls that you can customize for your family room.
You need to carve out time to take care of a home, and the most important home maintenance tasks should be at the top of the list.
I’ve tried many paint brushes over the years for cutting in, and the best paint brush is the PF Richard Edge Painting Tool. Here’s why.
Painting is a project that anyone can do, but not always well. These DIY paint tips will help make sure your first attempt is a successful home improvement.
It can be easy to hang a new TV if there’s a stud exactly where you want to hang it. However, the rest of us aren’t always so lucky for that stud to land in the exact perfect spot. Here’s how we successfully hang a new TV.
Some home projects are best left for professionals or very experienced DIYers who reliably pull permits. Learn about these risks before trying at home.