How To Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

Struggling with the rise in costs of running your home? You’re certainly not alone. Seems like everything is becoming more expensive and the cost of running a home is BIG one. For example, energy is expensive, which is why it’s smart to do everything you can to maintain your home in order to keep it as energy efficient as possible

With that being said, here are some helpful tips to make your home more energy efficient.

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Use an energy-efficient heating system

Firstly, it’s important to have an HVAC system in your home that’s functional and efficient in its energy consumption. The older the heating system is, the more energy it’s likely to use because it’s working harder in order to perform at its best.

If your system is nearing its end and you are able to replace your heating system with a new one, then it will certainly make a huge difference. Shop around for energy-efficient heating systems and research which ones are rated excellent when it comes to usage of energy.

By getting a new system, you’ll likely see a noticeable decrease in your energy consumption. You should also consider which providers are the best for your wallet.

Fit insulation

Insulation is a big contributor to the energy efficiency of the home, especially during the cooler months of the year. If you live in an environment that’s regularly cold and has a lot of harsh weather conditions, then fitting your home with appropriate insulation is key.

Instead of having to keep your heating on high constantly, the insulation in your home is going to allow for intermittent heating and will help retain the heat longer as a result.

Consider fitting some insulation into your home, depending on where you think it’s best. For example, in between wall cavities is handy, under floors if you’re going through renovations and in the attic space in smart, too.

There are also lots of different insulation types too so it’s worth exploring which ones are budget-friendly and best for where you want to put it.

Compare the costs of other energy providers

To help save some money, it’s worth comparing the costs of other energy providers, rather than just sticking and staying loyal to your current provider. Unfortunately, being loyal to energy providers doesn’t get you much in the way of discounts and benefits nowadays.

With that in mind, it’s good to compare the costs of other energy providers where you can, especially if you feel you’ve been paying a lot over the months or years.

Using a platform like GridHacker might be a worthwhile option, especially when it comes to calculating the right amount of energy you use versus the best rates available on the market. This type of platform is useful for understanding what is best for you and your household, as every place is different.

Consider changing providers or at least ask for a better deal with the provider that you’re with. Sometimes, providers might price match any quotes that you get from others.

Generate your own energy through renewable sources

If you’ve heard about onsite renewable energy sources, then you’ll know that they’ve become popular amongst many businesses and households nowadays. Solar panels used to only be for those who were able to afford such luxuries but they’ve come down in price and may be more affordable for you and your home now, especially with tax credits and rebates that are often available.

Of course, it’s still expensive but it can be a worthwhile investment to do on your property if you have the chance. It’s one of those investments that will pay you back over time, which is why it’s worth fitting them earlier than later on in life.

That said, you can still make it profitable for yourself by having them on your roof and boosting the potential value of the home. With solar panels and other renewable sources, you take less from the grid and as such, contribute less in the form of your carbon footprint.

Fix your windows and doors to lock in the heat

Your windows and doors are areas in the home that can let out a lot of heat if you’re not staying on top of maintenance. Over time, the seals around them can become so worn out that they start losing a lot of heat and need maintenance as a result.

If you want to update the windows in your home, you might want to do them one by one to save money now. Window replacement companies often offer discounts if you purchase a certain number, too.

Reduce and reuse

Being proactive with your energy efficiency is important and one way to do this is by reducing your consumption of energy and products/produce in general. Buying less will reduce your carbon footprint, as will growing your own vegetables and fruit.

Reduce and reuse is often encouraged when it comes to becoming eco-efficient and any efforts you can make will add up over time. From recycling as much as you can with the daily household waste to minimizing your weekly shopping, there are many small ways to reduce consumption.

Making your home and household more energy efficient and sustainable is a benefit that will make all the difference in the short term and the long term. With that being said, use these tips above and do what you can to make a difference in your home and the future of the earth for more generations.

About the Author

Theresa Clement, MyFixitUpLife
Theresa Clement, MyFixitUpLife Designer, is an artist, upcycler, certified color expert, Certified Aging-in-Place specialist, and yoga devotee.
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A handy designer and writer, she shares DIY projects, tool how-to, and home makeovers as a book author, home show speaker, DIY workshop coach, and radio host. Plus, she has a degree in journalism with a minor in architecture, and is a Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist (CAPs) and certified color consultant. She's created fast-paced makeovers for TV shows, and shares home trends and DIY tips as a freelance writer and guest on news shows and satellite media tours for TV and radio.

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