Jack’s blog: My new part-time job

‣ MyFixitUpLife
Officer in training Jack

Yeah, that’s right. I decided on a new job today. I’ve been in the construction game for my whole life — 2 1/2 years — and I think it’s time for a little change-up.

Now I’m not going to hang up my toolbelt for good. I mean, who is going to do the site inspections Mommy and Daddy need. Seriously, those guys — my Mommy and Daddy — need me to make sure they aren’t doing stuff wrong.

But, while I was taking Mommy for a walk this morning, I was approached by a guy in an awesome car. I almost didn’t notice the guy because of the wheels and stuff on the car. But there was a guy inside the car.

Mommy was doing grown-up talking, which is boring, but there were cars and trucks driving by me, so I was cool. And then the guys gaved me a shiny badge. It has some words on it. And one of them had the letters P-O-L-I-C-E. Then Mommy said that Daddy used to carry around a badge like that from his Grandpa to make sure kids didn’t do stuff wrong.

‣ MyFixitUpLife
Officer Jack in his stroller

So I thought about it, and since I like cool cars and being in charge, I think this is something I can do. Part-time, of course.

Construction work has even more awesome trucks and there’s tons of ways I can be in charge on a jobsite, too.

So, if you need help with knowing what you are doing wrong, I can let you know. Just look for me on the streets. I’ll be in my stroller patrolling the town.

No problem.

Click here to read more blogs from Jack.

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Mark & Theresa created this honest and personal guide about home improvement to share the tips, techniques, and trends that help you make smart decisions about updating and personalizing your home.

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