Mark’s March of Tool Madness: Vote for the winner!

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We’re celebrating March with Mark’s March of Tool Madness head-to-head competition of daily tool duels.

What is Mark’s March of Tool Madness?

Celebrating the madness of the month, we created a bracket of popular and well-made tools to compete in daily duels to find out which is the most popular.

Vote for your favorite tools! Click here.

How were the tools selected?

Mark has selected his top 16 current favorite and most-reached-for tools, and divided the field of tools into two categories: Lawn and Garden tools vs. Shop and Jobsite Tools.

The 8 Lawn and Garden tools will go head-to-head against each other in single eliminations. And, the 8 Shop and Jobsite tools will go head-to-head against each other in single eliminations.

The tools are seeded based on how often Mark uses the tools. (For the second annual Mark’s March of Tool Madness, we’ll invite you to nominate your favorite tools.)

Lawn & Garden March Tool Madness

Shop & Jobsite March Tool Madness

How does it work?

Starting March 13th until the end of the month, we are posting 2 tools so you can vote for your favorite tool. So, we’ll be posting the tool match-ups here at, on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

The tool with the most votes each day will proceed to the next round.

Want to make a prediction?

There’s no prize for an accurate prediction, except for the glory and bragging rights. In order to make a prediction, click the bracket images below. 

Then, select which tool will win this tool duel. 


Which tool is your favorite? What tools would you add to the list?

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Mark & Theresa created this honest and personal guide about home improvement to share the tips, techniques, and trends that help you make smart decisions about updating and personalizing your home.

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