MyFixitUpLife LIVE! at Rebuilding Together’s Kickoff to Rebuild

Kickoff to Rebuild Rebuilding Together

MyFixitUpLife talk show is broadcasting from Kickoff to Rebuild, an annual NFL sanctioned event hosted by Rebuilding Together, on Friday, February 1, 2013.

For 18 years, Rebuilding Together has partnered with the NFL in Super Bowl cities across the country, rebuilding houses and bringing together neighborhoods, home by home, block by block, because everyone deserves to live in a safe and healthy home.

Tune into this episode of MyFixitUpLife talk with Mark and Theresa. Interviews include NFL player Robert Royal, former astronaut and Lowe’s Director of Community Relations Joan Higginbotham, HGTV’s Carter Oosterhouse about Carter’s Kids playgrounds, 2012’s ‘Tradesperson of the Year,’ and more.

‣ MyFixitUpLife Kickoff to Rebuild highlights include:

    • Rebuilding 10 homes in Algiers for veterans, teachers, athletes and other long-time community members.
    • Installing a new Carter’s Kids playground with Lowe’s.
    • Resource Fair with education and support for the community.
    • First annual Toolbelts+Tailgates, with tailgaters feeding volunteers and celebrity judges including Robert Royal and Garrett Hartley.
    • Second Line with O’Perry Walker Marching Band leading the volunteers to lunch
    • And more! Join us!
‣ MyFixitUpLife
Carter Oosterhouse of Carters Kids at a Kickoff to Rebuild event

Rebuilding Together will mobilize hundreds of volunteers, past and present NFL members and players, New Orleans community leaders, well-known national celebrities, and local and national sponsors to complete renovations on homes in the McClendonville Neighborhood of New Orleans.

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Mark & Theresa created this honest and personal guide about home improvement to share the tips, techniques, and trends that help you make smart decisions about updating and personalizing your home.

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