Listen! MyFixitUpLife interviews Extreme How-To Publisher

‣ MyFixitUpLife Chad Gillikin, publisher from Extreme How-To magazine, is sharing news from the magazine from inside the Therma-Tru doors / Fypon molding booth at the International Builders’ Show.

Chad shares the scoop on the magazine editor Matt Weber’s most important home improvement project that he’s ever tackled.

‣ MyFixitUpLife
Extreme How Tos Chad Gillikin  w Mark Theresa

And how Matt transformed his entryway using Therma-Tru and Fypon products for an upcoming feature in Extreme How-To magazine.

Theresa kids that she looks at the magazine for the photos, as Mark frequently appears in the magazine and was the magazine’s first cover model.

Mark and Theresa contribute their FixitUp projects regularly to Extreme How-To, and their barn door project is in the most recent issue of the magazine.

Listen to the entire MyFixitUpLife show from the Therma-Tru Doors / Fypon booth at the International Builders Show on April 2, when they are increasing our curb-appeal with a fresh new approach to making an entrance. Heather from Therma-Tru Doors in sharing their gorgeous new glass designs and how Fypon molding wraps those doors all in style. The nation’s most beloved carpenter, This Old House’s Norm Abram, is sharing news from their project site in Los Angeles.

‣ MyFixitUpLife
Norm Abram talks w Mark Theresa
‣ MyFixitUpLife
Heather Sonnenberg from Therma Tru talks w Mark Theresa

Click the arrow at the top of the page to listen now to the interview with Chad. Or subscribe to MyFixitUpLife on iTunes to listen to more MyFixitUpLife w/ Mark & Theresa. Check the MyFixitUpLife show schedule to find out who is checking in with MyFixitUpLife’s Mark and Theresa next week. If you have a question about your home improvement projects, send MyFixitUpLife an email.


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Mark & Theresa created this honest and personal guide about home improvement to share the tips, techniques, and trends that help you make smart decisions about updating and personalizing your home.

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