Obstacle course training wall with Glidden Team Colors paint

Philadelphia Eagles Obstacle Wall with Glidden Team Colors

If you love obstacle course races and the NFL, then we built this Glidden Team Colors obstacle course training wall with you in mind.

Philadelphia Eagles Obstacle Wall with Glidden Team Colors
Philadelphia Eagles Obstacle Wall with Glidden Team Colors

We built the obstacle wall to not just be a DIY training partner, but to be ‘your inspired when you’re tired’ wall.

Since I caught the obstacle course race bug earlier this year, training has become part of our lifestyle. A simple jog now includes some burpees or buckets (full of rocks, don’t ask) and jumping. And maybe a spear throw mixed in.

So before you yell “AROO”; before the smoke bombs signal the start of something great, grab some tools and some lumber. This is the DIYers crab-crawl, burpee, trail run wall-building get-it-done DIY training wall with color that means nothing other than finish line.

And, the finished obstacle wall is not just green, black, and silver. It’s Philadelphia Eagles green, black, and silver from Glidden Team Color paint.

Chance favors the prepared mind. Duress, the prepared body. So fire up.

Check out Glidden’s Team Colors paint: http://www.glidden.com/Team-Colors/NFL

Getting there starts here with a little how-to on how to build this obstacle course wall:

Left and Right posts. Called ‘channels’ to DIY aces, are a sandwich: The bread is 2×6 and the cheese is one 2×4. Note the 9 1/2-inch block at the base.

Glidden Team Colors
Build the left and right posts Note the bottom block

Build the center post sandwich. The bread is still 2×6. The cheese is a 2×4 ripped in half—a table saw is good for this—and centered. Line up the center of the ripped piece (1 3/4-inch from the edge) with the center of the 2×6 (2 3/4-inches from the edge) and fasten. Remember to add the 9 1/2-inch bottom block.

Glidden Team Colors
Make the center post We nailed it Screws and a cordless drillimpact driver work great too We pre drilled and screwed the bottom block to keep it from splitting

The parts. Left, right and center posts (channels); wall slats (2×10); grab blocks; left, right and center triangular bases.

Note: The center base is the last thing we install. Because it supports the wall from both sides (as opposed to the ends like the left and right bases), it’s easiest to install one side and the bottom, then connect the other side. You’ll see in the video.

Glidden Team Colors
We pre assembled the parts before painting to make sure everything fit This wall is easy to assemble and disassemble for storage But who would put it away Go Eagles AROO

Glidden Team Colors on deck.

Glidden Team Colors
Glidden Team Colors Philadelphia Black teaming up with Philadelphia Green

No joke, Glidden Team Colors has great hide, flow and coverage. The semi-gloss we used has a nice sheen and dried evenly. I have used A LOT of paint. I could tell within five minutes this was good stuff.

Glidden Team Colors
We set the slats out on sawhorses with 2x4s across them We then rolled the tops and sides let dry and flip over No joke the Glidden has great hide flow and coverage

Note: The design, how to and mud and guts race juju is all me. The color is all Glidden’s NFL colors, Glidden Team Colors to be exact. We were sponsored by the Glidden brand paint for PPG to write this post, but the design, thoughts and opinions expressed are ours.

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A licensed contractor, tool expert, wood and outdoor enthusiast, and elite Spartan Race competitor, he writes about home improvement and tools for national magazines and websites, and teaches hands-on clinics for other remodeling professionals. Check out his book, The Carpenter's Notebook.

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Comments (4)

Tomasz Michalowski

Oh my goodness! A wonderful read.

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