Need Valentine’s Day mailbox ideas? Make a Poké Ball … using a shoebox.

Pokemon Poké Ball Ball Valentine MyFixitUpLife shoe box after

I love fun Valentine’s Day mailbox ideas, especially when they’re easy + inexpensive like this Poké Ball.


Pokemon Poké Ball Ball Valentine MyFixitUpLife shoe box after
I volunteered to make this Poke Ball mailbox because I cant resist the opportunity for a crafting challenge


While my third grader Jack’s class is making their Valentine’s Day mailboxes at school, his best friend had to make one at home.

As I know Nate’s love of Pokémon, I volunteered to make this Poké  Ball mailbox, because I can’t resist the opportunity for a crafting challenge.

During our weekly ‘moms-night-out,’ which is really a gathering of moms and kids at one of our homes, I gathered a shoe box, colored paper, *Gorilla Tape, *Fiskars scissors, pencil, and ruler.

*Note: While you can use any brand, I only mention the brands that I actually use and have had repeated DIY happiness using.

Pokemon Ball Valentine MyFixitUpLife shoe box

The first step is cutting the circular shape from the bottom of the shoebox. A bowl or platter can be an easy way to mark a circle on the cardboard. I kept one side attached to the bottom of the circle, so that I could make the box a bit more structurally sound. This is going to school with a kid on a school bus. There are lots of ways things can get crushed or damaged.

Pokemon Ball Valentine MyFixitUpLife shoe box cut

After the shape is cut, I turned the inside of the box on the outside. This is so the words and colors from the box aren’t on the outside of the box, and it’s just plain brown cardboard. Much easier to cover with colored paper.

The next step is cutting out a circle for the ‘handle’ of the Poke Ball from the scraps of cardboard. Then, mark a line about 2/3 of the way down the small circle and about 3/5 of the way down the larger circle. Cut along that line. This will be where the Poke Ball will open.

Pokemon Ball Valentine MyFixitUpLife shoe box front

After all of the pieces are ready, the entire box is taped with Gorilla Tape on the inside of the box. It’s strong and waterproof tape (like I said, it’s going to school. You never know…).

The front piece that opens is tape at the top of the half-circle so it can open up, and Valentine’s Day cards can be slipped inside.

Pokemon Ball Valentine MyFixitUpLife shoe box cut cylinder

The last step is the fun part, covering the Poké  Ball in colored paper. If I ever have the opportunity to make this again, I would use larger colored paper, so there are fewer seams. But I had just about 30 minutes to plan, and about an hour to make it. And did I mention there was girl talk and wine happening around me?

I love any excuse to craft or make a project. I’d love to know your Valentine’s Day mailbox ideas or what your kids have created for their school party.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Pokemon Poké Ball Ball Valentine MyFixitUpLife shoe box after
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A handy designer and writer, she shares DIY projects, tool how-to, and home makeovers as a book author, home show speaker, DIY workshop coach, and radio host. Plus, she has a degree in journalism with a minor in architecture, and is a Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist (CAPs) and certified color consultant. She's created fast-paced makeovers for TV shows, and shares home trends and DIY tips as a freelance writer and guest on news shows and satellite media tours for TV and radio.

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