News Fix

Find out what's news in home improvement, residential construction, and design trends. From new building products and tools to data that describes trends in housing, employment, and DIY project popularity, we share the top news in housing in a 1-minute weekday-daily News Fix. Sometimes it's news about home improvement and remodeling. Other times we are talking about a new tool or an interesting tidbit about our homes, decor, and human habits. We also share news about our favorite home design celebrities and construction experts. If you have a new tool, building product, survey, or spot a design trend, share it with us.

Today’s News Fix includes stories about the top projects homeowners are planning for 2022, rising home values, and pro workshops at The Home Depot. In…

2022 Housing starts, Rainforest Shift to Grassland

In today’s home improvement and real estate News Fix the top stories are trends in housing starts and how the Amazon rainforest may be turning…

News Fix: Solar Futures Study, Live at Tiffany, Paint Tips

The top stories for today’s home improvement News Fix includes how to reach the U.S.’s energy supply goals, penthouse for sale above a Tiffany store…

Here’s today’s Home Improvement News Fix. Top stories include the growing furniture industry, how indoor air quality affects workers, and safely treating dog allergies. In…

DIY home improvement is fueling power tool demand
11_2016_MyFixitUpLife_Habitat_ReStore_Chair_Planter_Theresa cutting chair with Oscilating tool

Demand for power tools is on the rise. Power tools and DIY go together like peanut butter and jelly. So why is there an explosion…

How are the best refrigerators of 2022 helping us eat healthier? In every form, the point of the refrigerator has been to keep food fresher…