
If you are curious about starting a greener, more sustainable lifestyle at home, there are simple steps to getting started. Big changes aren’t necessary to…

Whether you want to fix a chipped mug or learn how to repair ceramic decor, fixing ceramic with epoxy and pastels isn’t hard. Here’s what you need to know.

If the integrity of the metal object is still intact, removing rust can be easy and inexpensive with aluminum foil and white vinegar. No, there’s…

Want to know How to make DIY glass cleaner? It’s easy. We’ll show you two ways. Making glass cleaner at home can save time, money,…

Adding a dog gate to a deck can be a DIY project if you’ve had some successful experience building a deck or fence. If you…

How to clean a wood pergola before applying new stain

We wanted to stain our pergola, but before we could, we needed to clean the wood pergola. Here’s how we cleaned ours. Build a wood…

If you want to achieve the Tiffany paint color in your project, this question-and-answer is for you. Question I want to repaint the ceiling of…

Painting plastic furniture is an easy way to update your backyard oasis. You may want to reach for a bucket of paint to refresh plastic…

So the ledger flashing should extend out to the second deck board. Why? Do you have a question about deck flashing for a wood deck?…