
Looking at Lifetime shed kits? Learn how to build a shed kit from pros who aren’t selling Amazon shed kit, including how long does it take to build a shed kit.

Building a pole barn for a horse is similar to building a shed, but there are specific details that horses require that your lawn mower,…

Shed with window flower boxes and pine shiplap. Watertight and ready ?

Need to update your shed? Here’s how to update a shed with a ramp and some gardening features in a weekend. 

“Think of a she shed as a magical place. Allow yourself the freedom to not feel guilty for enjoying it.” -theresa

When we find something that truly amazed and amused us, we have to pass it on. Beyond awesome tools and cool design trends, Mark and…

Looking for DIY site work tips? Turning not-so-level-earth into a flat, even surface that drains water and is solid-enough to support your project can be…