Tool Review: Milwaukee Tools Screwdriver, 11-in-1 of Awesomeness

milwaukee tools

OK, wasting no time: Milwaukee Tools 11-in-1 screwdriver is awesome and proves an old dog can learn new tricks.

milwaukee tools
Well done Milwaukee Tools Your 11 in 1 screwdriver of awesomeness is an entire screwdriver set in a single unit
Note: We partnered with The Home Depot to produce this blog as part of Big Orange’s ProSpective program. The ideas and full-tilt love affair with this screwdriver are 100% MyFixitUpLife’s.

I am not saying I’m the old dog.

However long, long (really long) ago, I relegated multi-bit screwdrivers to check-out line impulse buys. After all, a real carpenter or tradesman has a set of screwdrivers. Even if he doesn’t use them all. Or has ever used them all.

And has had to go searching for other tools to make up for the missing pieces in his so-called set. But so what? What’s the big deal?

milwaukee tools
What I extra like about this Lots of features no junk rattling around loose

Wasted time is the big deal. Milwaukee Tools 48-22-2761 is the smallest, most complete and—if it’s made anything like other of Big Red’s gear—heavy duty multi-bit screwdriver I have ever used. It is a completely contained screwdriver set masquerading as something I should have spent the mere $14.99 on years ago. Even if it didn’t exist years ago, I’d still wish I had one in the future.

milwaukee tools
How many jobs would I be likely to use this unit All give or take

One of the things I really like about it is that it is self-contained. With the exception of last night when I totally used it, I’ll rarely use the #10 or #15 Torx drive it comes with. On the other hand, there’s not a remodel, like this shiplap feature wall for example, that’d go by where I wouldn’t use either the 3/16 or 1/4-inch slotted drive for anything from door hardware to setting switch plates.

Of course the #2 Phillips will find use all over the place.

Truthfully, I’m not sure where I’d use the 1/4 or 3/8-inch nut driver—surely a plumber, electrician or HVAC mechanic would find more use for this than me—but it is also just plain awesome-plus-two that they are designed into the tool.

What I will use is the integrated “gut hook”. I mean, are you kidding me? Being able to bend a nice, clean hook on a piece of wire for an electrical installation is sweet.

Nice work Milwaukee Tools. Your 11-in-1 screwdriver of awesomeness has won a home in my toolbox.

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A licensed contractor, tool expert, wood and outdoor enthusiast, and elite Spartan Race competitor, he writes about home improvement and tools for national magazines and websites, and teaches hands-on clinics for other remodeling professionals. Check out his book, The Carpenter's Notebook.

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