A birdcage makeover into a DIY cat bed. Sylvester the cat would be proud.

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When I saw a birdcage at my local Habitat for Humanity ReStore, I thought DIY ‘Cat Bed.’

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So it might not be everyone’s reaction to seeing a birdcage, but as a cat mom, a DIY cat bed seemed perfect. Both of my cats are on the petite side of the feline community, and I’m familiar with their obsession with snuggling in tight spaces.

And, I’ve seen too many Sylvester the Cat vs. Tweety Bird cartoons to think that Sylvester might be proud for this kitty makeover takeover, turning a birdcage into a DIY cat bed. (Of course, Tweety moved away, and didn’t succumb to Sylvester. Everyone wins in my imagination.)

The birdcage needed to be cleaned first. But, after it was clean and dry,  it was ready for a makeover.

I chose Metallic Gold spray paint from Krylon for the cage. It takes the creamy colored cage into a more glamorous upscale look.

And since every cat loves a comfy place to snuggle, I used a blue fabric with gold and white pin stripes from Jo-Ann Fabric & Crafts to make a cushion for the bottom of the cage.

After testing out the birdcage cat bed with one of my cats, I decided to remove the interior elements of the ring and bell and the food holder. Both made the cage a bit cramped.

But not any more. The ‘birdcage cat bed’ is ready for a napping kitty.

I’d love to know what you think of this DIY cat bed project. Share your ideas below, send a note, or Tweet me right now.

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A handy designer and writer, she shares DIY projects, tool how-to, and home makeovers as a book author, home show speaker, DIY workshop coach, and radio host. Plus, she has a degree in journalism with a minor in architecture, and is a Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist (CAPs) and certified color consultant. She's created fast-paced makeovers for TV shows, and shares home trends and DIY tips as a freelance writer and guest on news shows and satellite media tours for TV and radio.

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Always looking for new ideas. I am the Secretary at Country Crossroads Custom Cabinetry.

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